- Jsonnet - The Data Templating Language 扩展 JSON,用于生成配置文件 #tools
- Embracing Impostor Syndrome #read#tips
- Linux SysOps Handbook - Linux SysOps Handbook 常见管理类命令速查 #books
- Monorepo Explained #books
- Linux Signals Signal Handler, Signal Mask, 128+sigint #read#kernel
- Google Translation API Hacking > Vielhuber David 用 Chrome 翻译网页的 API Key #read
- Mini Tokyo 3D 东京地下铁实时地图 #web#visual
- 浅析 Linux 如何接收网络帧 通知手段、软中断、NAPI #read#kernel#network
- A list of new(ish) command line tools #read#tips
- 编程语言是如何实现并发的之操作系统篇 调度、线程模型、IO模型 #read#backend#core#language
- Netflix: Lessons in Experimentation - Product Growth Deep Dive #read
- Filmmaking Process - Walt Disney Animation Studios #read#misc
- Simple.css 不用 class 而是直接对 html 元素加样式的简单 CSS 框架(模板?) #css#frontend
- Quick and dirty way to rip an eBook from Android ADB 点击 & 截图,裁剪,转换到 PDF,最后加 OCR 层 #read#tips
- 1-Line Layouts 一行 CSS 解决常见的布局问题 #frontend#css
- Go 1.18 泛型全面讲解:一篇讲清泛型的全部 - 掘金 #read#golang#language
- Hashids 把内部的整数 ID 编码为字符串(类 YouTube 视频 ID / B 站的 BV 号) #tools
- An Introduction To Type Programming In TypeScript 既然类型系统本身是图灵完备的,那么也就可以用类型系统来编程了 #read#language
- Building a No-Code Machine Learning Model by Chatting with GitHub Copilot #read#ml
- 透过 Rust 探索系统的本原:编程语言 #read#language
- 编程语言是如何实现泛型的 #read#language
- The Illustrated TLS 1.3 Connection: Every Byte Explained TLS 1.3 协议的图示与解析 #books#crypto
- README - Everything I know personal wiki where I share everything I know about this world in form of an online GitBook #books
- Bugs in Hello World 系统调用 write 可能会失败,但是有的语言不会处理 #read
- 从 Fetch 到 Streams —— 以流的角度处理网络请求 (各家网盘的前端下载是如何实现的) #frontend
- Regex Vis 正则表达式可视化(+编辑) #tools#regex
- Solving Wordle using Regex (and a little bit of Python) 用正则表达式玩 Wordle #read
- Silent Partner – Space Walk | Fun with virtualization YouTube Live Premier Song #read
- 深入理解 netfilter 和 iptables #read#arch#deepdive
- In search of the perfect URL validation regex 多个用于匹配 URL 的正则表达式的对比 #read#tools#regex
- Tearing apart printf() – MaiZure’s Projects printf 从简单到复杂 #read
- How Difficult is your Programming Project? – MaiZure’s Projects #read
- Decoded: GNU coreutils – MaiZure’s Projects GNU Coreutils 代码解读 #read#books
- Datawrapper: Create charts, maps, and tables 交互式画数据图工具(charts, maps, tables) #tools
- Turning a GitHub page into a Progressive Web App | Christian Heilmann #read#frontend
- 家用3D打印不完全入坑指南 | 机核 GCORES #read
- 设计模式二三事 本文会结合在美团金融服务平台设计开发时的经验,结合实际的案例,并采用“师生对话”这种相对诙谐的形式去讲解三类常用设计模式的应用。 #read#design
- 口语写作好帮手:两个语料查询网站 - 少数派 #read
- Singapore prime minister Lee Hsien Loong’s Sudoku Solver code runs in 1ms - LeetCode Discuss #read
- TypeScript for Pythonistas 两种不同的类型系统,structural 和 nominative #read
- From Node to Ruby on Rails - D U N K #read
- 3 Things You Might Not Know About Numbers in Python 有方法、有层级关系、可扩展 #read#py
- Use a Git commit message template to write better commit messages 设定
实现用模板自动填充 commit message #tips - Val on Programming: What makes a good REPL? 基于 REPL 的开发:更容易自动化、更模块化的代码、更容易编写测试 #read#language
- nusr/hacker-laws-zh: 💻📖对开发人员有用的定律、理论、原则和模式。(Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful.) #read
- How we handle 80TB and 5M page views a month for under $400 高 cache 率,CF+B2 的流量联盟 #read#arch
- 写在第二十五万字 个人写作体系的建立经验 #read
- Velocity 2015 linux perf tools Linux Performance Tools (tracing, probing…) #slides
- Debugging Certificate Errors 调试 SSL 和证书问题:过期、通配符、CNAME、信任链、中间人攻击 #read#backend
- system-design-primer/README-zh-Hans.md at master · donnemartin/system-design-primer 系统设计入门及相关资源(抽认卡、知识网络、示例题目) #read#books#arch
- Crafting “Crafting Interpreters” 四年连续写一本书的历程 #read
- Moscow state university network built by students 莫斯科国立大学的学生自建校园网的故事 #read
- Crafting Interpreters #books
- ulid/spec: The canonical spec for ulid Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier,一个改进版的 UUID,提供了基于时间戳的可排序性 #tools
- Big-O Algorithm Complexity Cheat Sheet (Know Thy Complexities!) @ericdrowell 常见数据结构复杂度速查 #tools
- GPS 工作原理 交互式教程 #visual#read
- Gyroflow v1.0.0-rc has appeared! 用相机内建的陀螺仪做视频防抖 #tools
- 把北京的所有公交织成一张图——带你看看北京的公交网 #read#frontend
- 2021 年 JavaScript 明星项目 #read#frontend
- Basic Network Troubleshooting Is it the DNS, the network, or the app? #read#network
- “一把梭:REST API 全用 POST ” | 酷 壳 - CoolShell 为什么需要不同的 HTTP 动词,以及如何处理 REST 复杂查询 #read#api
- Learning Containers From The Bottom Up - Efficient Learning Path to Grasp Containers Fundamentals 容器相关知识整理 #read#backend#docker
- Delta Chat: The e-mail messenger 基于邮件的聊天客户端 #tools
- A brief history of code search at GitHub | The GitHub Blog Github 代码搜索功能的历史演进:从现有工具(solr, elastic search)到完全自建(rust-based) #read#arch
- OpsTips in-depth articles on cloud-native tech and daily software engineering #books
- Why top and free inside containers don’t show the correct container memory 因为 /proc/meminfo 不受 namespace 影响 #read#backend#docker
- How signals are handled in a docker container | Dmitry Danilov linux kernel 处理信号时,对 pid 1 和其它进程的行为不一样 #read#arch
- Configuring core dumps in docker | Dmitry Danilov host 上要设定 kernel.core_pattern,容器需要加 --init 和 --ulimit 参数,以及建议在相同 image 的容器内的 gdb 中检视 #read#hack
- How to get a core dump for a segfault on Linux 先设定 ulimit,然后修改系统默认的 dump 位置 #read#backend#hack
- 使用 CMake 和 VSCodium 设置一个构建系统 #read#infra#infra
- 漫谈非加密哈希算法 hash != 加密,不涉及故意的哈希碰撞不一定需要加密哈希算法 #read
- Moonix 文档 从零开始写一个 RISC-V OS #read#books
- Google 技术写作 Google 的技术写作规范(中文翻译版) #read#write
- Best Python Development Setup for 2022 and Beyond pipx, pyenv, PDM #read#py
- Things I Wish They Told Me About Multiprocessing in Python Python 中多进程的最佳实践:正确的 clean up,SIGTERM/SIGINT 处理,避免无限的 blocking wait #read#py#backend
- Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition 浮点数比较的正确方法(取决于数字是否接近0),eps,ULP #hack#read
- 如何在 Word 文档的同一段落内插入自动编号 #hack
- Convert curl commands to code #tools
- 新一代垃圾回收器ZGC的探索与实践 #read#java#backend
- Windows 11 Setting Up - Tsetien’s Wiki 调整 Windows 11 的经验总结 #hack
- 命令行常用工具的替代品 - 阮一峰的网络日志 #tools#read
- Johnny Decimal - A system to organise projects 用数字+层级分类管理文件 #read#hack
- 我如何用 Windows 开发 —— 2021 我的开发环境 WSL2 踩坑相关 #read#hack
- How I Got Pwned by My Cloud Costs 静态资源没有被 CDN 缓存造成云服务出口流量暴增,原因是 CloudFlare 对可缓存资源有最大大小限制 #read#infra
- Why we’re migrating (many of) our servers from Linux to FreeBSD kernel 和 userland 的一致性,技术主导的开发方向,更好的隔离和网络栈性能,更直接的性能分析 #read
- A surprisingly hard CS problem: sums of square roots 核心问题:平方根是无理数,实际上需要比较无限长度的数字流 #read#math
- GitHub Actions by Example #backend
- Hosting my static sites with nginx 容器化构建过程,rsync 分发到服务器,ansible 设定 nginx 配置 #read#backend
- gaogaotiantian/viztracer: VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution. Python 多线程/多进程/协程执行 log/profile/可视化工具 #tools
- Jodd - a set of Java micro-frameworks and developer-friendly tools and utilities. 一系列用于Java 的简洁工具库(JSON, HTTP, Utils…) #tools
- Why Disaster Happens at the Edges: An Introduction to Queue Theory - The New Stack 系统设计中的队列理论:util<75%, 限制 variance, backpressure #infra#math
- 从递归到 Y 组合子 Little Schemer 第九章 #read#fp
- python代码打包和反编译 - SAUCERMAN 打包:pyinstaller, nuitka / 解包:pyinstaller (exe -> pyc -> py) #py
- 如何快速通过考试 考试也能有通用流程 #read#lifehack
- 如何技术招聘–兼谈识别简历造假 从面试官的角度,看看会问什么 #read
- 十分钟速通 Y Combinator lambda 演算中的递归实现 #fp#read
- Some ways DNS can break 各种 DNS 问题可能导致的奇怪故障 #read#backend#infra
- likianta/pyportable-installer: Build and distribute installation-free python programs by all-in-one configuration file. Python 项目打包工具,打包为免安装版 #tools#py
- Shichao’s Notes 书籍笔记:Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, UNIX Network Programming, The Go Programming Language 以及其他 #note#books
- Yandex.Translate - Translate to Emoji 翻译到 Emoji #tools
- HTTP Toolkit HTTP 调试工具(类 Fiddler):Intercept & view all your HTTP(S), Mock endpoints or entire servers, Rewrite, redirect, or inject errors #tools
- My Custom CSS Reset 覆盖浏览器的内置样式 #frontend
- 1.6万字马斯克访谈实录:载人飞船上天前,我曾跪地祈祷 #read
- Advent of Grok {Shan, Shui}* - Day 24: Putting it all together 山水画生成器如何工作(procedural art generation) #read
- The difference between WHERE and HAVING – SQL Bits where 决定了 query 会处理哪些 row,having 决定了 server 会给 client 发回哪些 row #db#tips
- 🎯 Docker 快速入门 - 易文档 #books#backend
- 📚 K8S 教程 - 易文档 #books#backend
- Defensive CSS - Ahmad Shadeed #frontend
- Engineering Fundamentals Checklist - Code With Engineering Playbook #tools
- Dock Life: Using Docker for All The Things! 用 docker alias 取代一切 #hack
- My First 5 Minutes On A Server; Or, Essential Security for Linux Servers – Sol Love #security
- 我做系统架构的一些原则 | 酷 壳 - CoolShell #infra
- 软考资源目录 #resource
- “n个球放到m个盒子”问题整理(Twelvefold way) - RioTian - 博客园 数论 #math#hack
- Deterministic variants of the Miller-Rabin primality test. Miller-Rabin SPRP bases records Miller-Rabin 质数判定的确定性根 #hack
- 米勒-拉宾素性检验 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 随机化素数判定算法 #hack
- Various ways to include comments on your static site 各种给静态网页加评论功能的方式总结 #read#frontend
- Instantly parse JSON in any language | quicktype 根据 JSON 生成对应语言的对象和解析器 #tools
- 余光中:怎样改进英式中文?- 论中文的常态与变态 | LeanCloud 开放资源 #read
- Lossless Image Compression in O(n) Time QOI,一个简单的图片无损压缩格式,和 PNG 压缩比类似但速度更快 #tools
- 分布式系统下的认证与授权 #backend#distributed#security
- 工作性价比计算器 #tools
- In C, how do you know if the dynamic allocation succeeded? 因为 Linux 下 Overcommit 机制的存在,malloc 可能会容许分配大内存,但实际使用的时候出错 #tips#linux
- My Logging Best Practices – Thomas Uhrig INFO for business, DEBUG for code #tips#backend
- 条分缕析分布式:到底什么是一致性? - 铁蕾的个人博客 原子提交问题并不是一般的共识问题,而是要求更高的 uniform consensus 问题 #distributed
- 多路复用、非阻塞、线程与协程 - 御坂研究所 #backend#arch#blog
- A visual guide on troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments #backend#distributed
- Generators - The Final Frontier Python Generator & Coroutine 三部曲之三,介绍 context manager, asyncio, 简单编译器和实现调用栈 #course#py#backend
- A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency Python Generator & Coroutine 三部曲之二,介绍基于 yield 的 coroutine 实现,reactor model,以及如何用 coroutine 模拟一个简单的 OS #course#py#backend
- Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers Python Generator & Coroutine 三部曲之一,介绍 generator 与 data pipeline #course#py#backend
- All possible notations of IPv4 address URL 中的 IP 地址,数字部分可以用不同的进制 (dec, hex, oct) 表示,从而构造相同 IP 的诸多不同表示方法 #web#hack
- EtherDream/http-server-online: Start a local HTTP server without any tools, just open a web page. 在浏览器里直接预览本地静态网站,原理是用 Service Worker 拦截请求 URL,然后用 FileSystem API 读取本地资源 #tools
- Spending $5k to learn how database indexes work 如果没加索引,limit 最坏情况下也会全表读(但是如果读够了就不会再读了) #database
- Netlify Drop | Netlify 拖放静态网站文件,直接得到公网地址 #tools
- Timing With Curl - Susam’s Maze 让 curl 显示连接用时 #tips
- My VS Code Playground - Pawel Cislo VS Code 配置指北 #tips
- It’s Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys 用 SSH key 给文件签名 #tips
- DNS doesn’t “propagate” 对 DNS 的更好类比是 CDN,以及关于为什么 DNS 记录修改生效需要很久的讨论(negative DNS caching) #backend#web
- GPU选购指南:训练ML模型,我必须买RTX3080吗?-InfoQ 适合于不同深度学习场景的 GPU 选购(2020 版) #tips
- nip.io - wildcard DNS for any IP Address 解析到指定 IP 的域名服务 #tools
- automerge/automerge: A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically. 支持自动解决冲突(Collision-Resolve)的类 JSON 数据结构 #tools
- Uninitialized Stack Variables C 中没有用 memset 手动初始化栈上变量导致了诡异的 Bug #c#backend
- Ciphey/Ciphey: ⚡ Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes ⚡ 自动对复杂编码串 decode 的工具 #tools
- Performance - Stack Exchange Stack Overflow 的网站架构 #backend
- Distributed Systems lecture series DDIA 作者的分布式系统课程 #video#distributed
- 如何学习一门技术 是否要学、怎么学、如何用 #tips#blog
- Command line text processing with GNU Coreutils #books
- wg/wrk: Modern HTTP benchmarking tool 单机 HTTP 压力测试工具 #tools
- ROAPI: An API Server for Static Datasets #blog#tools
- roapi/roapi: Create full-fledged APIs for static datasets without writing a single line of code. 直接从 JSON/CSV 文件生成 query API #tools#data
- Building a full stack application with Cloudflare Pages Cloudflare Pages 增加了通过 js 文件在静态网页内增加动态内容的功能,甚至还额外提供了 KV,持久存储和中间件支持 #frontend
- How We Made Bracket Pair Colorization 10,000x Faster In Visual Studio Code (2,3)-trees, recursion-free tree-traversal, bit-arithmetic, incremental parsing #algo
- Why Your Website Should Use Dithered Images | endtimes.dev 与直接压缩原始真彩色图片相比,dithered image 能有更好的压缩比率,在非重要场合下很合适 #frontend#hack
- Javascript Anti Debugging — Some Next Level Sh*t (Part 2— Abusing Chromium Devtools Scope Pane) 细化到行级的 chrome devtool debugging 检测 #frontend#hack
- There is no ‘printf’. gcc 在满足 heuristic 的时候,会用 puts 替代 printf,导致 printf 作为 main 中最后一次调用时返回值不符合预期 #c
- Debugging a weird ‘file not found’ error 生成的 Go 二进制文件不是 static linked 的;ELF 可执行文件可以请求一个 interpreter 来执行自身,如果这个 interpreter 不存在,会导致文件存在但是无法被运行 #hack#tips
- Home : Hypothesis 网页荧光笔 #tools
- Some notes on using esbuild 一个相对简单的前端构建方案:用 import 导入库,用 esbuild 生成单体 js #frontend
- How we built a forever-free serverless SQL database 构造 serverless SQL DB:用 KV 作为 SQL DB 的底层存储,把 SQL 执行层无状态化 #arch#database
- 软件开发|扩展一个 GraphQL 网站 调整 GraphQL API 和网页构造,使其更易于缓存 #read#blog#frontend#backend
- Modern SQL: A lot has changed since SQL-92 展示现代 SQL 的一些写法(递归,over,system_time…) #books#backend#database
- SQL Indexing and Tuning e-Book for developers: Use The Index, Luke covers Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, … 解释 SQL 索引如何工作的电子书 #books#read#database#backend
- Understanding AWK 简明 awk 教程 #read
- bobwen-dev/htpdate: a tool to synchronize system time with web servers, for linux, windows and macos. 利用 Web Server 的响应时间戳作为时间源同步时间 #tools
- SQLime — Online SQLite playground 在线 SQLite 环境,基于 sql.js #tools
- Cloudcraft – Draw AWS diagrams 不仅是画架构图,还能把架构图和实际环境同步起来 #arch#tools
- A catalog of wealth-creation mechanisms 生成财富的九种方式,以及对信息时代生成财富方式的细分 #life
- Mechanical sympathy for QR codes: making NSW check-in better 简化二维码(QR Code)中的 URL:参数编码、域名长度、纠错等级 #hack
- Composerize 把复杂的 docker 命令转换成 docker-compose.yml #tools#backend#infra
- Darts, Dice, and Coins 非均衡抽样方法(抽奖算法),以及 O(1) 时间的 Alias Method(空间换时间,避免了查询随机数所在的区间) #algo
- Red Blob Games: Hexagonal Grids 如何设计和实现六边形网格系统 #game#design
- K8S 云原生应用开发小记 从设计到建构的全过程 #infra#backend
- The Billion Pi Challenge 如何在 pi 的前 1B 小数位中搜寻一个特定的数字序列?空间换时间 #hack#backend#c
- 为 PDF 增加目录 - 少数派 (pdf.tocgen)先根据已有的标题提取出标题对应的格式信息,然后用格式信息匹配所有标题,最后构造目录 #hack
- Introducing WebContainers: Run Node.js natively in your browser 用WASM写了个极小的OS,然后在这个OS上跑node.js,通过把OS里的虚拟TCP层关联到浏览器的service worker,就可以在本地浏览器里完全实现一个node.js开发环境了,用的时候只需要浏览器本身,并不需要任何其他配置 #frontend#hack
- My Top 10 Money Rules 关于金钱的一些感悟 #lifehack
- Motion One: The Web Animations API for everyone 高性能的前端 JavaScript 动画库 #frontend#visual
- Injecting environment variables into static websites using NGINX Server Side Include,往网页里注入环境变量 #backend#hack
- DIY Single Sign-On for SSH SSH + Single Sign On,自己配置 CA 和认证服务 #tips#hack#backend
- Don’t Build A General Purpose API To Power Your Own Front End - Max Chernyak 对自有的前端,可以提供一套更自由、独立演化的内部 API,而不用痛苦的修改对外 API 以适应业务需求 #backend#api#tips
- Regret Minimization | Samvit Jain 「最小化后悔」可能不是决策的最好方式,「寻找不变量」可能更适合 #life#tips
- Git飞行规则(Flight Rules) Git 出现问题之后如何应对 #tips
- Linearizability & CAP 一个很赞的线性一致性可视化 #visual#distributed#read
- Category:Programming Tasks - Rosetta Code 相同算法的不同语言实现 #tools
- How to get useful answers to your questions 问 Yes/No,展示自己当前的理解,愿意打断 #tips
- A future for SQL on the web 浏览器自带的 IndexedDB 太慢,用 WASM 版的 SQLite 替代,然后把 IndexedDB 作为单纯的存储后端(Filesystem 抽象) #frontend#database#read
- GitHub stars won’t pay your rent 从开源项目到 Startup #read#startup
- How I made $50K in 3 days with NFTs #blockchain#nft
- 前言 | HZFE - 剑指前端 Offer 前端面试书籍 #books#interview#frontend
- Go go-to guide #golang
- Goroutine Leak和解决之道 #golang
- tianmingyun/MasterBitcoin2CN: 《精通比特币》第二版 区块链研习社 云天明联合出品。本书更名《精通区块链编程第二版》已由机械工业出版社出版,京东有售。 #books#distributed
- golang101/golang101: Go语言101 : 一本侧重于Go语言语法和语义的编程解释和指导书 #books#golang
- pow-captcha 基于 Proof of Work 的验证码方案 #tools
- Persistent Data Structure 可持久化数据结构(修改后旧版本依然可用) #data#blog
- 白板编程浅谈——Why, What, How #career#job
- mviereck/x11docker: Run GUI applications and desktops in docker and podman containers. Focus on security. 容器化的 X Server,可以在容器里跑 GUI #tools
- BornToBeRoot/NETworkManager: A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems! Windows 下的高级网络管理工具 #tools
- Working From Orbit 完全在 VR 世界中工作 #read#visual
- CapRover · Free and Open Source PaaS! self-host PaaS #infra#tools
- Evan’s Awesome A/B Tools - sample size calculator, A/B test results, and more AB测试计算器 #tools#data
- Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet Cloudflare 的 Facebook BGP 事件外部记录 #infra
- Mind-bending metaclasses - adding function overloads to Python - YouTube #hack
- devongovett/regexgen: Generate regular expressions that match a set of strings #tools#frontend
- 笔记文档一把梭——MkDocs 快速上手指南 | 少数派会员 π+Prime #tools
- Overview - Dropbox Engineering Career Framework #career#grow
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- 「图解Raft」让一致性算法变得更简单 Raft 图解 #algo#distributed#read
- 肘后备急方 - Miao Yu | 于淼 #read#lifehack
- Windows 更新设计、类型、步骤及常见问题 - 少数派 #read
- A Constructive Look At TempleOS #blog#read
- hadolint/hadolint: Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell Dockerfile 的 Linter #tools#docker#infra
- Automating a software company with GitHub Actions - PostHog Github Actions 在软件开发各个阶段的使用示例 #blog#read#infra
- GNU nano is my editor of choice – Ariadne’s Space 配置 nano 支持语法高亮 #blog#read#editor
- Mito 给 Jupyter 增加类 Excel 的可视化数据处理工具 #tools#data
- Tutorial - Write a Shell in C - Stephen Brennan 如何用 C 写一个 Shell #blog#read
- 发现 GNOME 上的最佳应用 – GNOME 上的应用 #tools
- DataStation | The Data IDE for Developers 一站式数据分析,将数据库 SQL 查询、脚本编程、数据可视化结合在一起。 #tools#data
- calganaygun/MDcat: A super simple script which uses the GitHub API to convert your markdown files to GitHub styled HTML site. Github 自带的 Markdown 转 HTML 示例 #tools
- Gaphor | Modeling for Everyone 跨平台 UML 工具 #tools
- allanrbo/filesremote: An SSH file manager that lets you edit files like they are local SSH 文件管理工具 #tools
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- One does not simply calculate the absolute value 浮点数与绝对值里的坑 #backend#java#blog#trick#hole
- go实现无限缓存的channel #backend#blog#golang
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- Go 语言设计与实现 #books#backend
- Elm - delightful language for reliable web applications #frontend
- Elm at Rakuten | Rakuten Engineering Blog #blog
- Technical Interview Guide for Busy Engineers | Tech Interview Handbook #books
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- Go by Example #books
- LearnShare/learn-VRA: Let’s learn Vue/React/Angular together. Vue、React 和 Angular 一起学怎么样? #read#frontend
- Mastering Web Scraping in Python: Crawling from Scratch - ZenRows #blog#read
- Amazon Web Services In Plain English #tools#infra
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes 生成关于 Github 使用情况的 badge #tools
- When One-Way Latency Doesn’t Matter 无法准确测量 one-way latency #blog#read#network
- A Collection of O’rly book Covers | Ben E. C. Boyter #blog
- doocs/source-code-hunter: 😱 从源码层面,剖析挖掘互联网行业主流技术的底层实现原理,为广大开发者 “提升技术深度” 提供便利。目前开放 Spring 全家桶,Mybatis、Netty、Dubbo 框架,及 Redis、Tomcat 中间件等 #core
- Developer-Y/cs-video-courses: List of Computer Science courses with video lectures. #list#course
- Long.bitCount() 解析 | 吴俊笔记本 JDK 中计算为 1 的比特位的神奇方法 #read#blog#java#hack
- 吴俊笔记本 #books#read
- labuladong 的算法小抄 #books#read
- Java 全栈知识体系 包含: Java 基础, Java 部分源码, JVM, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, 数据库原理, MySQL, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Docker, k8s, CI&CD, Linux, DevOps, 分布式, 中间件, 开发工具, Git, IDE, 源码阅读,读书笔记, 开源项目… #read#books
- Why are hyperlinks blue? | The Mozilla Blog #blog#read
- The Logfile Navigator 一个强大的命令行日志查看器,支持彩色、SQL、时间线 #tools
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- 如何愉快地写个小parser #read
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- Calligrapher.ai: Realistic computer-generated handwriting 生成手写
- New in Git: switch and restore switch 切换分支,restore 恢复内容 #blog#read
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- How to improve your Docker containers security - [cheat sheet] Docker 容器安全性 #backend#infra#blog#read
- How MDN’s autocomplete search works – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog #frontend#blog#read
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- yifeikong/interview: solutions to all kinds of questions for an interview 常见面试算法题突击手册 #interview#tips
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- Introduction to Information Retrieval #books
- Introduction - Rust and WebAssembly #books
- Webhook Infrastructure and Tooling - Hookdeck #tools#backend
- Using CSS without HTML · Mathias Bynens #blog#read#frontend#css
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- Feed me up, Scotty! CSS selector based RSS Generator #tools
- 10 Predictions for the Future of Computing or; the Inane Ramblings of our Chief Scientist #blog#read
- arogozhnikov/einops: Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, jax and others) #tools#dl
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- HTTPie – command-line HTTP client for the API era #tools
- .bashrc generator: create your .bashrc PS1 with a drag and drop interface Generate Bash Prefix tooltips #tools
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- Scimago Graphica | A new way to explore, visually communicate and make sense of data visualization tools #visual#tools
- Let’s build our own ‘nodemon’ in under 10 minutes! #node#backend
- The (too) many pitfalls of VLA in C #c
- PostgreSQL的数据变化捕获和实时通知——基于Listen-Notify和Server-Sent Events #db
- 一日一技 | 集中管理与备份 Windows 分散各处的应用配置文件 - 少数派 #tips#windows
- 程序员可能必读书单推荐(一) - 面向信仰编程 #books
- Utopia: Design and Code on one platform React Drag-Drop Editor #frontend#tools
- Git: An Interactive History #ui#read
- How to Measure Execution Time of a Program #read
- 15 Tips for Better Signup / Login UX #ui#frontend
- Tesla AI chief explains why self-driving cars don’t need lidar
- 重新認識 Pixel、DPI / PPI 以及像素密度 | INFOLINK Blog
- 理解VirtualBox网络 #misc
- B站高可用用架构实践 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 #infra
- Elevator Saga - help and API documentation 一个写电梯逻辑的游戏 #game
- Linux IO模式及 select、poll、epoll详解 #backend#kernel
- Avoiding complexity with systemd 用 systemd 自启服务 #linux
- Nuitka/Nuitka a Python compiler written in Python #tools
- SQL queries don’t start with SELECT #db
- How to circumvent Sci-Hub ISP block using manually crafted PAC files
- Java: Formatting byte size to human readable format | Programming.Guide
- The most copied StackOverflow snippet of all time is flawed! | Programming.Guide
- Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages - (or any static file hoster) - phiresky’s blog #frontend
- M.I.T. 6.004 Computation Structures #course
- Image Filtering - Lode’s Computer Graphics Tutorial 卷积里用的 filter 是如何构造的 #dl
- Deep JavaScript: Theory and techniques #books
- 热重载 C - CJ Ting’s Blog #c#hack
- sorenisanerd/gotty Share your terminal as a web application #tools
- cs01/termpair View and control terminals from your browser with end-to-end encryption 🔒 #tools
- Representing SHA-256 Hashes As Avatars #visual
- Polyomino Solver Solves the calendar puzzle #tools
- VOSK Offline Speech Recognition API #api
- Introducing WebContainers: Run Node.js natively in your browser #framework#frontend
- Web 中文字体应用指南 · Ruby China #frontend
- 使用正则表达式匹配 3 的倍数 #regex
- Experiences working with an Outsourced Dev Shop
- Why do database columns have a character length of 191? #db#backend
- Be more productive with use of your BASH history · cyb.org.uk #cli
- Compose for Web UI Framework | JetBrains: Developer Tools for Professionals and Teams #web#framework
- Compose for Web UI Framework | JetBrains: Developer Tools for Professionals and Teams #web
- narakeet - From Markdown to Video #video#tools
- you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-GUI #cli
- arogozhnikov/einops 魔改 tensor 操作库 #ml#tensor
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- Learn CSS Google 的 CSS 教程 #css#frontend
- Magician 异步非阻塞的网络协议解析包 #tools#network#java
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